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Termite Mound OP – Kudu Bronze Sculpture – John Tolmay


  • A limited edition bronze sculpture of a Kudu
  • Dimensions: 8″ wide, 19″ high, 15″ long
  • Weight: 20 pounds
  • Edition: 15
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“Who can ever tire of this magnificent animal, I don’t have to dig too deep into my memories to find yet another Kudu Bull. Out hunting, I remember very clearly a day when I was sitting behind a small thorn bush and not 80 yards away a very beautiful Kudu bull was nibbling at the leaves of a Msasa tree. Imagine his huge horns as he twists and turns his head to find the most succulent little morsel. I watched him, how stunningly beautiful. He scratched his back with the delicate stab of one magnificent tip of his horn, just so, right on that little spot. Then stop and and remain motionless for some endless minutes, as only he knows how, while he scans the air with his moist nostrils for any signs of danger. Satisfied he is alone and all is well he continues with the business of feeding. Then lowers his head and moves sedately from under the tree and slowly with long strides makes his way to a termite mound. Without any effort climbs to the top and this time uses his eyes to scan the bush. Nothing, he went down the other side and started to feed again. How long was I there? I don’t know but I never killed another one without it being absolutely necessary. I grew up that day.”  John Tolmay

Edition: 15

Dimensions: 8″ wide, 19″ high, 15″ long

Weight: 20 lbs

About The Artist – John Tolmay, African Wildlife Bronze Sculptures

John Tolmay, African Wildlife Bronze Sculptures“I live in that head-space between past and present, translating scenes and images that are vividly recorded in my mind into waxes and clays. I use various foundries around the States to expertly cast them into the pieces of art that grace homes, studios, trophy rooms and offices around the world. While being an artist and a hunter I am also personally committed to Conservation. I started what is known as the “Nyawa Pilot Project” in Zambia.

The aim of this project is to achieve a better balance for rural people and their resources. Gradually the slow process of change is gaining momentum and it is my sincere hope that the concept of Community Based Wildlife Management will cease to be something that is only spoken about and become policy in the near future.”

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